Hitler's attorney and Nazi Party treasurer, Franz Schwarz, with son after capture in Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Hitler's attorney and Nazi Party treasurer, Franz Schwarz, with son after capture in Germany. Official Caption: "Rome, 5/30/45--Two Schwarzes caught--Franz Xaver Schwarz (seated), former treasurer of the Nazi party, is shown with his son after their capture May 16, 1945, by airborne troopers of the U.S. Seventh Army. The two Nazis were arrested near Berchtesgaden, Germany, Hitler's Bavarian hideaway. The Elder Schwarz had power of attorney from Hitler in all financial matters of the Nazi party. He also was an SS group leader and a member of the Reichstag. He is a native of Munich.--U.S. Signal Corps Photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (B list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6458." Germany. 30 May 1945