Portrait of General Joseph W. Stilwell, Commander of the U.S. 10th Army, June 1945
Photograph, portrait. General Joseph W. Stilwell, Commander of the U.S. 10th Army. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/22/45--Returns to field--General Joseph W. Stilwell on June 21, 1945, was named Commander of the U.S. 10th Army to succeed Lieut. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr., killed a few days previously on Okinawa Island by Japanese shellfire. Former U.S. Commander in the Chine-Burma-India Theater, General Stilwell drove back the Japanese in Northern Burma and succeeded in opening a land supply route from India to China that is named Stilwell Road in his honor. Since returning from the CBI theater early this year, General Stilwell has been in command of U.S. Army ground forces.--Army photo through OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). 6837." Location unknown. 22 June 1945