Herbert H. Lehman meeting with refugee children in Italy, July 1945

Photograph. Herbert H. Lehman, Director-General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), meeting with Italian refugee children. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/9/45 - UNRRA director meets refugees - Herbert H. Lehman, Director General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, is surrounded by children during his visit to Sabaudia refugee camp 60 miles from Rome on July 7. The camp, a former fascist resort, houses many war-displaced Italians cared for by UNRRA and the U.S. Catholic Committee for Relief Abroad, one of the many agencies participating in the UNRRA relief program.- UNRRA photo through Rome OWI [Office of War Information] - Approved by appropriate military authority - serviced full." Sabaudia, Italy. 09 July 1945