U.S. Fleet Admiral Nimitz signing Japanese Instrument of Surrender aboard the USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 September 1945

Photograph. U.S. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz signing Japanese Instrument of Surrender aboard the USS Missouri (BB-63) as other Allied military officers look on. Official Caption: "Rome. 9/12/45--U.S. Fleet Admiral Nimitz signs Japanese surrender document for U.S.--U.S. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander of Allied Naval Forces in the Pacific, signs the Japanese surrender document for the U.S. on Sept. 1, 1945 [sic] aboard the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay. Behind Admiral Nimitz, U.S. General of the Army Douglas Macarthur, Supreme Allied Commander, stands with his arm around Admiral William F. Halsey Jr., Commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, aboard whose flagship the ceremony occurred. Rear Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Deputy Chief of Staff to Admiral Nimitz, looks on. U.S.Navy Photo thru U.S.I.S. Rome. (RX 7509)."Tokyo Bay, Japan. 2 September 1945