Japanese suicide plane hits the sea with a splash close to American carriers, Pacific Ocean, June 1945
Photograph. Japanese suicide plane hits the sea with a splash close to American carriers; smoke from exploding antiaircraft shells visible in sky. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/13/45--Japanese plane crashes to sea--Riddled by U.S. anti-aircraft fire, a Japanese suicide-dive plane hits the sea with a splash close to an American Essex-class Carrier during a recent action in the Pacific. The Japanese have lost more than 21,000 planes from the time of their attack on the U.S. on Dec. 7, 1941 through May 19, 1945. They have expended a large number of aircraft they can hardly afford in attempts to crash drive on the decks of U.S. warships. Fleet Adm. Chester Nimitz, Commander of Allied naval forces in the Pacific, said the 'suicide attacks'are the products of an enemy trapped in an increasingly desperate situation, and that in most instances the attacks are futile.--FN photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6692." Pacific Ocean. 13 June 1945