Burnt Japanese corpse in a foxhole, Engebi Island, 1944

Photograph. A Japanese soldier's burnt corpse halfway out of a foxhole. Official caption on reverse: "3339. From: Public Relations Division / U.S. Coast Guard / Washington, D.C. / Credit Line Must Read 'Official Coast Guard Photo.' THIS JAP WOULDN'T SURRENDER. This closeup of war, caught by a Coast Guard combat photographer on Eniwetok Atoll, is not a pretty picture but it presents the problem of a ruthless foe who refuses to surrender. The Jap had just propped himself on his elbows at the mouth of his foxhole on Engebi Island, when a burst of fire from American Marines' flame throwers burned him out of the war." Caption stamped in black ink: "In rewriting captions please mention 'Coast Guard.'" Engebi Islandl, Marshall Islands. 1944