Infantrymen occupying a pillbox on the bank of the Rhine, France, 1945

Photograph. Three infantrymen of the 30th Infantry Regiment occupying a pillbox; two of the men are standing an talking, the third is sitting on a piece of wood; rubble and debris surround the pillbox. Official caption on front: "7A-45-1984." Confidential stamp on reverse. Official caption on reverse: "ETO HQ 45 7A-1984 9 Feb. / Credit... Signal Corps Photo / Photog... T/5 Joseph A Bowen (163) / Yank infantrymen occupy a pill box at the west bank of the Rhine. As Neuf Brisach fell to the Alled drive to clean up the Colmar Pocket, these Yanks were stationed in a former German manned pill box as protection against possible counter-attack. Ramp above leads to blown bridge across the river. 30th Inf. Regt., 3rd Div., Neuf Brisach area, France." Haut-Rhin (department), France. 9 February 1945