U.S. War Mobilization Director John W. Snyder in Washington, D. C., July 1945
Photograph, portrait. John W. Snyder, U.S. War Mobilization Director. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/18/45--War Mobilizer--John W. Snyder has been appointed U.S. war mobilization Director by President Harry S. Truman. Mr. Snyder, former Federal Loan Administrator and original a banker in the Midwest city of St. Louis, succeeds Fred M. Vinson, nominated as Secretary of the Treasury. A field artillery Captain in the last war, Mr. Snyder went to Washington in 1940 as Executive Vice President of the Defense Plants Corporation, a government agency providing financial and other aid to the Nation's war plants.--AP photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority (list A out 7139." Washington, D. C. 18 July 1945