U.S. submarine rescuing the crew of a downed Navy plane in the East China Sea, circa 1945
Photograph, aerial. View of a U.S. submarine rescuing the crew of a Navy plane that was downed in the East China Sea. Official Caption: "Rome 8/2/45. U.S. SUBMARINE RESCUE DOWNED NAVY FLYERS. A U.S. Pacific Fleet submarine rescue the crew of a Navy plane that was downed in the East China Sea. The men wait aboard their rubber raft. On June 20, 1945, the U.S. Navy announced that its submarines had sunk 1153 Japanese ships since the outbreak of the war, Dec. 7, 1941. Of this total, representing well over four and one-half million tons, 167 ships had been sunk during 1945. PHOTO THROUGH ROME U.S.I.S. APPROVED BY APPROPRIATE U.S. AUTHORITY. A & B lists out." East China Sea, Pacific Ocean. 02 August 1945