US soldiers wearing German uniforms on, likely at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, on 26 September 1944

2199. "26 Sept. 44 Barry. Close up of Sgt Peter A. Kuhn (left) and Pvt Karl Loring, both of Interogation prisoners of War team, wearing the German winter and Summer uniforms. The winter uniform, (left) is of gray-green cloth, with the Nazi national emblem over the left pocket. It is a Non-coms uniform, distinguished by the Silver strip woven into the lower edge of the collar. Pvt Loring is wearing the summer suniform, Mustard-yellow in color. The markings are similar with the exception that the collar strip is Gold instead of silver. This also being a Non-com's uniform. 168-05-44-7458." Likely Camp Atterbury, Indiana. Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Barry. 26 September 1944