U.S. soldiers checking identification papers of German civilians, Germany, July 1945

Photograph. U.S. soldiers checking identification papers of German civilians outside the entrance of a dwelling. Official Caption: "U.S. Soldiers Search German Homes. U.S. soldiers check identification papers of German civilians in Bremen, during a trough search of all homes in the port city July 21, 1945. The check-up was prepared secretly and made suddenly at 3 o'clock in the morning to prevent the escape or hiding of persons at fault. The search was for fire arms, displaced persons in the wrong location, radio transmitters, U.S. Army soldiers away from duty without leave and stocks of U.S. food and clothing being used for black market purposes. U.S. Signal Corps photo through U. S. I. S. Rome. Certified as passed by censor. (A and B lists out)."Bremen, Germany. 21 July 1945