US reinforcements and supplies gathering on a beach, Normandy, 1944

Photograph. American reinforcements and supplies land on the coast of France. Official caption on reverse: "2517 / From: Public Relations Division / U.S. Coast Guard / Washington, D.C. / Official Coast Guard Photo / Supplies Pour Ashore for Invaders of France / This striking panorama of the French invasion beach was made by a Coast Guard Combat Photographer from a hillside cut with the trenches (foreground) of the ousted Nazi defenders. The channel waters are black with shipping, as reinforcements and supplies are funneled ashore for the conquest of the Cherbourg Peninsula. Balloon barrages float overhead to protect the ships from low-flying enemy strafers. One balloon rests on the deck of an LST. Headed inland are long parades of trucks, loaded with troops and supplies." Normandy, France. June 1944