U.S. Marines with refugee mother and child, Okinawa, Japan, 1945

Photograph. Two smiling U.S. Marines walking down dirt road with refugee mother and child, the child being held by one of the Marines. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/2/45--Americans give lift to refugee Okinawan--Two U.S. Marines relieved this Okinawan mother of the burden of carrying her child and her bundle as she made her way to the safety on [sic] American lines on Okinawa Island. Over 60,000 civilians of the island streamed into U.S. refugee camps from hillside hiding places after U.S. forces invaded the island on March 31, 1945. Problems of terrain and desperate Japanese defenses made American advances difficult but by June 1 U.S. troops had captured Naha, the island's second largest city.--FMC Photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A List out). Approved by appropriate military. 6510." Okinawa, Japan. 2 June 1945