U.S. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz meeting junior officers of HMS King George V, Guam, 1945

Photograph. U.S. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz meeting junior officers of HMS King George V; British Vice Admiral Sir Henry Bernard H. Rawlings is standing by his side. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/1/45--Nimitz meets British Naval officers--U.S. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander of Allied Naval Forces in the Pacific, meets junior officers of HMS King George V during a visit aboard the British battleship at Guam, site of Admiral Nimitz' headquarters in the Central Pacific. At the left is Vice Admiral Sir Henry Bernard H. Rawlings, Commander of a British task force operating with the U.S. Pacific fleet against the Japanese.--Navy photo Approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome OWI (List A out) 6968." 01 July 1945