US and Brazilian joint commission on the beach in Saint Eugène, Algiers, Algieria, 1943

Photograph. US and Brazilian joint commission on the beach. Official caption on front: "MM-BAK-43-5311." Official caption on reverse: "Sig Corps Photo Radioed 12-13-43 / Sig Corps Photo-12-13-43- Members of Brazilian-U.S.Joint Defense Commission listening to Maj. Dudley Williams give a resume of the Allied Invasion of Algeria at St. Eugene, Algiers, one of the landing points. Prominent in the group are: Gen. Mascarenhas and Gen. Anor of the Brazilian Army and Maj. Gen. J.G. Ord, U.S. Army member of commission. Officer on extreme left is an interpreter." Saint Eugène, Algiers, Algieria. 13 December 1943