United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation (UNRRA) meeting, Italy, 1945

Photograph. Seven men attending a United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation (UNRRA) meeting indoors. Official Caption: "Rome [caption missing] /45 -- UNRRA officials meet in Rome -- Heads of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation missions in Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Cairo and UNRRA officials from New York and London met in Rome July 6-7 to discuss supply problems. Shown at the opening session are (L to R): M. Sergeichic, head of the Yugoslav mission; R.L. Cochran, UNRRA liaison officer with the Allied Forces Headquarters in Caserta; R.G.A. Jackson, Deputy Director General, and S.M. Keeny, head of the Italian mission. Herbert Lehman, Director General, was expected in Rome July 7 from Washington to attend the meeting and to inspect UNRRA's relief work in Italy and the Balkans. - UNRRA photo through Rome OWI - Approved by appropriate military authority (Full). 7029." Rome, Italy. 7 July 1945