Two sections of a large floating dry dock being welded together, Pacific Ocean, 1945

Photograph, aerial. Two sections of a large floating dry dock being welded together. Official Caption: "(Series of four) Rome, 7/16/45--Floating drydocks serve U.S. fleet--Two of the ten sections of a huge floating drydock are welded together at a U.S. advance Naval base in the Pacific. When the drydock, shipping to the base in sections, is assembled it will be able to handle the largest battleship afloat, or repair two or more smaller craft simultaneously, several of the huge docks are now is [sic] service in the Pacific, saving many vessels from the long trip to the U.S. for repairs.--Navy photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate U.S. authority (List A out) 7125-1." Pacific Ocean. 16 July 1945