Troops of the Army's 77th Division spread out over the beach on Tokashiki Island after the landing on 26 March 1945

392.Photograph. 'File Number 48746 April 5, 1945 Invasion of the Ryukyus! Stars and Stripes unfurl in the Keramas Troops of the Army's 77th Division spread out over the beach on Tokashiki Island in the Keramas group, a minor unit of islands in the Ryukyus, after the landing on March 27, 1945. Maneuvering on the sands preparatory to advancing inland are amphibious tanks which brought the soldiers to shore. At the extreme right is one of the Navy landing craft which also participated in the assault. The invading force soon overran the island and set up heavy artillery to cover the landings on Okinawa, which came a few days later.' 5 April 1945