Three Allied soldiers meeting in Kyaukme, Burma, 1945

Photograph. American, British, and Chinese (left to right) soldiers smiling while sitting on the edge of a sidewalk; the British soldier is armed with am M1928 Thompson submachine gun; the Chinese soldier carries a .30 caliber M1 carbine. Official Caption: "Rome, 8/2/45--Allied Soldiers Chat in North Burma Mountain Village--American, British, and Chinese (left to right) soldiers chat after their companies met in the mountain village of Kyaukme during the northern Burma campaign against the Japanese. After Allied tropes had liberated most of the Burmese territory, the Japanese, by July 15, 1945, were training to escape eastward across the Sittang and Salween Rivers toward Thailand and the long southeastern tail of Burma extending down the Malay peninsula. Photo through Rome U.S.I.S. Approved by appropriate U.S. authority. A & B lists out." Kyaukme, Burma. 2 August 1945