A tanker undergoing conversion to a troop ship in New Orleans on 18 June 1943

A tanker undergoing conversion to a troop ship. Official caption: "Dismantled Lake Steamer Octorara at Pauline Street Wharf, New Orleans Port of Embarkation, 18 June 1943 previous to going to Todd-Johnson Drydock, New Orleans, to be converted to troop ship. This old 'Laker' was constructed in 1910 by the Great Lakes Navigation Company, Buffalo, N.Y. She was taken over by the War Army for conversion to be performed by the New York Port of Embarkation. After being stripped of superstructure and machinery in Bufallo, N.Y., she was floated down the inland waterways to New Orleans where she arrived in May 1943. She went into Todd-Johnson Drydock 23 June 1943. Technical supervision of the conversion remained with the New York Port of Embarkation although the job order under which she was converted was issued by the New Orleans Port of Embarkation. Official U.S. Army Photograph. New Orleans Port of Embarkation. Publication Prohibited Unless Authorized. When published credit line must read: 'Photograph by U.S. Army.'" New Orleans, Louisiana.