A tank crew takes a smoke break after a harrowing journey, Italy, 1944

Photograph. A tank crew takes a smoke break after a harrowing journey. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5569." Official caption on reverse: "Signal Corp photo 24 May 1944 (Italy) Crew safe! Their tank knocked out near Cisterna in the opening phase of the beach-head battle, this American tank crew returned to safety after a hazardous trip through no-man's-land. Relaxing after their tight squeeze are Pvt. Floyd W. Shelton, Wichita, Kansas, lighting cigarette of Pvt. Vassar Nance, Leahville, Ark., and (standing, left), Pvt. Donald Jones, Dexter, NY.., and Cpl. Earl L. Larson, Minneapolis, Minn. Signal Corps Radio Telephoto from Italy#." Cisterna, Italy. 24 May 1944