Soldiers stalled in California landscape during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.

1031. Soldiers stalled in California landscape during training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Von Stroheim. Bridge blown up at grid con. 1018.2-1372.5 stopped traffic for quite some time. Major who declared bridge blown up did not have or give certificate to man at bridge who holds traffic back, did not say how long it was to be out of order. Engineers came in about 10 min but could not tell how long it would take to fix because of no certificate. Having no factual information, it was estimate by the Lt. that 3 hrs would be required for repairs. 168-L-44-1105.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Von Stroheim. Camp San Louis Obispo, California. 28 March 1944