Soldiers observe enemy aircarft through a damaged roof in Sainteny, France on 26 July 1944

Soldiers observe enemy aircarft through a damaged roof. Note that the unit and location have been stricken in the caption. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 8685 Ryan (6) 26 July. Credit...Signal Corps Photo. Cpl. Earl Littlefield, left, of East Stonehamp, Maine, radios back information about approaching enemy aircraft, while Pfc. Lester Rodgers, right, of Iowa City, Iowa, spots planes through his binoculars from an advanced observation post, somewhere in France. 555th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion, Sainteny, France. Confidential." Passed for publication as censored on 26 July 1944; passed for publication without censorship restrictions by SHAEF Field Press Censor on 15 May 1945.