Soldiers manning a gun during company problem at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 July 1944

1359. '6 July 44. Sharetts. Corp. P.F. Coyne, Newport, R.I.[Rhode Island], on right with M1 rifle, Pvt. J.A. Thomas, Durham, N.C.[North Carolina], in center behind a 50 Cal. M2 machine gun, P.F.C. M.A. Cook, Midland, Michigan, in the feeders position on left. These men all of 44th Qm. Rmd. Co. [44th Quartermaster Reclamation and Maintenance Depot Company] are manning the gun during company problem while the 44th was on Bivouac at Kings Pond Area, Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-1639.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Sharetts. Fort Benning, Georgia. 6 July 1944