A soldier receives a message over a receiver-transmitter set during mountain maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944

1842. '3-22-44. J. P. Johnson. Cpl J. L. Roberts of Battery C, 609th F.A., 71st L. Div., receives range corrections and other data over Receiver-Transmitter set, from computer phone at 609th C. P. who in turn receives the information from observers, and through switchboard. Cpl. Roberts will relay messages to gun positions close by, verbally. Receiver-Transmitter set is used only until a field phone is connected from C.P. Hill #3905. HLMR Mtn. Man. 168-9-44-591.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: J. P. Johnson. 22 March 1944