A soldier fighting against Nazi troops in Bra, Belgium on Christmas Day, 25 December 1944

A soldier fighting against Nazi troops. First official caption: "Master Caption 31133-36. While digging in on front-line positions just outside of Bra, Belgium, soldiers of Co. H, 3rd Bn., 504th Parachute Inf. Regt., 82nd Airborne Division met a patrol of Nazi S.S. troopers who were on reconnaissance. In the resulting clash several of the Germans were killed. Photos show the capture of one. (C). Co. H, 3rd Bn., 504th Inf. Par. Regt., 82nd A/B Div., Bra, Belgium." Second official caption: "ETO HQ 44 31134 25 Dec. Credit U.S. Army Signal Corps. Photog--Tec 5 Emil Edgren 165. One of the infantrymen goes out on a one-man sortie, covered by a buddy with a 30-caliber machine gun. 82nd A/B Div., Bra, Belgium." Passed for publication without censorship restrictions on 30 December 1944.