Smoke and flames rise from an American ship anchored off Okinawa, Japan, June 1945

Photograph. Smoke and flames rise from an American ship anchored off Okinawa after kamikaze attack. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/20/45--Suicide Pilot Scores--Smoke and flame burst from an American ship anchored off Okinawa as a Japanese Kamikaze plane, manned by a suicide pilot, crashes into it at dusk. Enemy suicide pilots have been active at Okinawa, only 375 miles (600 KM) from Japan but they have paid a terrific price in men and planes, and they failed to prevent the capture of the island by U.S. forces for use as a base for new and greater air attacks on the enemy homeland.--Coast Guard photo through OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out) 6809."Okinawa, Japan. 20 June 1945