Six Coast Guardsman climb over the side of their boat during a fight against Nazi troops in Greenland. 1941-45

Photograph. Photograph of an illustration ofSix Coast Guardsman climb over the side of their boat during a fight against Nazi troops in Greenland. (Photo was cropped so Official caption is incomplete).Official caption on reverse: "From: Public Relations Division / U.S. Coast Guard / Washington, D.C. Official U.S. Coast Guard. Coast Guard Commandos of Greenland Patrol go over the si- of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter to attack German forces in Gr- land. Coast Guardsmen in foreground wear regulation Arctic cl- except for steel helmets. Sailors in foreground receive special training in Arctic Landing operations prior to start of exped- and conduct operations against enemy north of the Arctic Circ- Landing operations under cover of darkness were impossible be- of perpetual daylight at this season of the year. Temperature generally below freezing except in the late forenoon and early afternoon. Coast Guardsmen landed with and supported United St- troops. (This sketch was made by Coast Guard Combat Artist No- Thomas in Greenland.)." A circled "3" drawn in pencil on photo reverse. No date