Serviceman standing in front of Notre-Dame de Paris, France, 1945

Gift of Robin Rankin

Photograph. Serviceman standing in front of a side of Notre-Dame de Paris; the cathedral's spire is in the background. Personal caption on reverse: "Helluva pose at Notre Dame / Oct 45 / Paris." Paris, France. October 1945

Image Information

Accession Number: 
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Items from the service of Technical Sergeant Norman E. Walz, who worked in the European Theater General Board under the 12th Army group during the war and then the 15th Army Group after V-E Day. Walz was born on 20 July 1914 in Kansas, but moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, shortly after his birth. He is listed as having received a post-graduate education when he enlisted in the United States Army on 24 June 1943. While overseas, Walz was stationed in Verdun, France, along with Wiesbaden and Bad Nauheim, Germany. Around August 1945, Walz was reassigned to the General Board of the 15th Army Group. In late 1945 or early 1946, Walz returned home aboard the SS Archbishop Lamy. He remained in Pennsylvania until his death on 21 January 1995 and is buried in the city of Sunbury. The collection includes postcards as well as Walz's time overseas and Michael Walz, a relative of unknown relations.
Île de la Cité
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials: 
Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)