Sergeants winding tape on communication device at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1402. '11 July 44. Ecklund. Sgt. G. Thrashber, Washington D.C. (left) & Stg. O. Barnett, Benton Harbor, Mich. [Michigan] (right) both of the code section, communication Div. of the Parachute School, Fort Benning, Ga. [Georgia], are winding code tape on two automatic Keyers (TG-10-C) before they begin their classes. The top machine will send out 6 words per min. and the bottom one will send 12 words per min. which is taken down by members of the Communication class of paratroopers. 168-L-44-1744.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Ecklund. 11 July 1944