Seaplane spraying DDT over Canadian forest, 1945
Photograph. Seaplane spraying DDT over Canadian forest; view from the ground. Official Caption: "Rome, 9/21/45. Plane Spreads DDT Over Spruce Budworm-Infested Canadian Forest. A low-flying plane, equipped with a special spraying device, spreads DDT, new insecticide, over spruce budworm-infested trees in the Kabonga area of the Quebec forests in Canada. Since DDT, which is harmless to humans, kills beneficial as well as destructive insects, experimentation is under way to reduce ill effects on useful insects, and animals. The spruce budworm, which is more dangerous to spruce and balsam forests than a fire because it operates on a larger scale, will probably destroy a large percentage of the Kabonga forests unless something is done to destroy them. American and Canadian Government scientists are experimenting together to adapt DDT, which has been effective against disease-carrying mosquitoes, house flies, and moths, for use against the destructive spruce budworm. Photo through U. S. I. S. Rome (D List Out) 43872-PME. For display purposes only. Not for publication." Quebec, Canada. 21 September 1945