SBD Dauntless aircraft taking on aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean in 1943.

SBD Dauntless taking on aircraft carrier. "File No: AM-PAC-45-43861-TR-6393. Released: November 23, 1943. Carrier action in the Pacific. U.S. Navy Task Forces spearheaded by modern, hard-hitting aircraft carriers, are ranging the Pacific, blasting Japanese island fortifications from Wake to Rabaul. Douglas Dauntless dive bombers and Grumman Avenger torpedo planes sea warfare's longest weapons of destruction are striking savagely through the air at enemy bases and warship, and chalking up decisive victories in every engagement. Typical of carrier-based attacks are the raids on Marcus Island, September 1, and the attack on Wake Island, October 5-6, 1943. At Marcus, only 900 miles from Tokyo, 80 percent of the enemy's installations were destroyed. At Wake, 61 Japanese planes were downed while U.S. bombers were showering destruction on enemy shipping, barracks, supply depots and airfield installations on the island. Combined U.S. combat losses in both assaults were 16 aircraft. This is it-- Dauntless dive-bombers of an aircraft carrier roar into the takeoff run for a smashing blow against a Jap base in the South Pacific. - Official U.S. Navy Photograph." Pacific Ocean. 1943.