Pre-landing bombardment of Iwo Jima on 17 February 1945

519.Photograph. 'File Number: 306211 Released: April 12, 1945 Iwo Jima Dead in the water Resembling a giant black whale, the low-lying outline of Iwo Jima is speckled with white spouts of smoke as shells and bombs burst on its inert slopes during the pre-landing bombardment on D-Day-minus-2, February 17, 1945. Like tiny warfish attacking the whale, Navy vessels cruise off shore, hurling steel in incessant barrages against defense positions. For two days the base was pounded, smothered into sullen silence under the fusillades from the sea and sky But. . .when the Marines landed on February 19, 1945, the fanatic Japs crawled out of their fortifited holes and the island again erupted with smoke and flame.' 19 February 1945