Okinawan children assembling for school, Okinawa, Japan, 1945


Photograph. A woman pounding on a drum in front of rows of local children outdoors. Official Caption: "Okinawa children answer school call in new village.“Okinawa children answer school call, thumped on a drum by their teacher in a new village supervised by the U.S. military government, in the northern part of the island. Okinawans made homeless during the 82 days of bitter fighting which resulted in U.S. capture of the Ryukyu (Loochoo) Island June 20, 1945 have been provided with their essential needs by the military government. Many of the Islanders were moved to the northern part of Okinawa, where the rugged terrain is less suitable for U.S. military uses. These school children were included in a group of more than 1,000 men, women, and children taken on a U.S. Navy LST (Landing Ship, Tank) July 12 to the new village established by the military government. Photo through U. S. I. S. Rome 43120-FN Approved by appropriate U.S. authority (A and B lists out)."”Okinawa, Japan. 1945

Image Information

Accession Number: 
Theater of Service: 
Campaign / Event: 
Collection Level: 
Items from the service of Isaac "Ike" Bethel Utley, who was born in Smith Mills, Kentucky on 3 March 1920. Ike enlisted in the Army Air Corps on 19 January 1942. He was shipped overseas to the European Theatre and worked with a supply division based out of the city of Naples with an office set up in a residential villa. Utley worked with the Office of War Information and used their photographs in news articles to inform soldiers of the progress of the war. At war's end, Utley returned stateside. A trunk full of over 800 photographs from the O.W.I. arrived on his doorstep from his office in Italy, sender unknown. This collection consists of those photographs.
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials: 
School children--Okinawa
Drums (Musical instruments)--Okinawa
Children--Clothing & dress--Okinawa