Nitrate plant where Germans tried to develop atomic bombs, Rjukan, Norway, circa 1945
Photograph. Exterior view of nitrate plant at Rjukan, Norway; houses in foreground. Official Caption: "Rome 8/20/45. Nitrate plant at Rjukan, Norway, where Germans tried to develop atomic bombs. British commandos and paratroopers, attacking the Rjukan nitrate plant (shown here) in Norway in the winter of 1942, destroyed a laboratory where German experiments with radium, uranium and heavy water were being carried on in an effort to develop atomic bombs. British raiders were assisted by a Norwegian workman. This and two other British attacks on German heavy water supplies in Norway helped prevent the Germans from developing the devastating bomb. Photo serviced through U. S. I. S. Rome 43303-PPA. Approved by appropriate U.S. authority (D List out)." Rjukan, Norway. 20 August 1945