Navy Hospital Corpsmen tending seriously wounded Marine Arthur Norris Robison on Guam, July 28, 1944.
"File No: TR-10981. Plasma on Guam - Navy Hospital Corpsmen tenderly lowering seriously wounded Marine Pfc. [Private First Class] Arthur Norris Robison, 20, to the ground at a first-aid station on Guam on July 28, 1944, D-Day for the Marines who stormed the Jap [Japanese] bastion. Already one man has started to write the tag setting forth Robison's injuries, condition and care given. (This is Print No. 101 in the U.S. Navy Exhibit 'Power in the Pacific' at the Museum of Modern Art, New York City.) - Official U.S. Navy Photograph".' Pacific Ocean. Guam. 28 July 1944