Members of the U.S. House Military Affairs Committee, Italy, June, 1945
Photograph. Group portrait of members of the U.S. House Military Affairs Committee in Rome. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/18/45--Congressmen visit Italy--Visiting Rome during a Mediterranean tour to study Army installations, redeployment and disposition of surplus military property, members of the U.S. House Military Affairs Committee confer with local officials. (L to R): William L. Marbury, U.S. War Shipping Administration; Representatives Chet Holifield of California, Melvin Price of Illinois; Thomas E. Martin of Iowa; Rear Admiral Ellery Stone, Chief of the Allied Commission; Rep. Robert Sikes of Florida; Spurgeon M. Keeny, Chief of UNRRA [United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration] in Italy; Rep. Charles R. Clason of Massachusetts, Delegate Jesus T. Pinero of Puerto Rico and Rep. J. Leroy Johnson of California.--OWI staff photo approved by appropriate military authority. Serviced by Rome OWI full. 6776."Rome, Italy. 18 June 1945