Manlio Giovanni Brosio, Herbert H. Lehman, and Alexander Kirk meet in Rome, Italy, 1945

Photograph. Manlio Giovanni Brosio, Herbert H. Lehman, and Alexander Kirk stand outside on an airfield with an airplane and an unnamed man visible in the background. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/9/45 -- Lehman visits Rome -- Herbert H. Lehman (Center), Director-General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, shakes hands at the Rome airport with U.S. ambassador Alexander Kirk, also on hand to greet Mr. Lehman was Manlio Brosio (L), vice-president of the Italian Council. The former governor of the U.S. state of New York came to Rome to attend conferences with heads of UNRRA missions in Italy and the Balkans. He is on a tour of countries receiving Allied relief. -- UNRRA photo through OWI -- Approved by appropriate military authority -- Serviced full." Rome, Italy. 9 July 1945