LST-21 unloading US Army railroad cars onto a beach, France

Photograph. African American United States Army soldiers watching while Army railroad cars are unloaded from LST-21; United States Coast Guardsmen observe from the top of the ship. Official caption on reverse: "2838 / From: Public Relations Division / U.S. Coast Guard / Washington, D.C. / Official Coast Guard Photo / The Coast Guard Links British and French Railroads / Out of the massive jaws of a U.S. Coast Guard-manned (LST) (Landing ship, tanks) rolls a string of railroad cars, loaded with vital war supplies in England and delivered in France. The Coast Guard-manned ship ferries rolling stock from a British port to a French beach railhead, forming a floating link between the railroads of the two countries. Priceless hours, unloading and reloading, are saved by running packed cars into the track-equipped tank deck of the LST and carrying them across the English Channel to roll down a tracked ramp onto French rails. From this point, trainloads of war equipment and supplies move smoothly and swift off to the fighting fronts. / In rewriting caption, please mention 'Coast Guard.'" France. No date