Launching of the aircraft carrier USS Lake Champlain, Portsmouth, Virginia, June 1945

Photograph. The aircraft carrier USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) after her launching at an Atlantic coast shipyard. Sailors line her deck and people stand beneath her bow; another warship is visible in background. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/21/45--New U.S. Aircraft Carrier--The 27,500-ton U.S. aircraft carrier 'Lake Champlain' is shown after her launching on June 4, 1945, at an Atlantic coast shipyard. Construction of the huge ship was financed by purchases of war bonds by the people of the state of New York. Referring to the Navy's role in the war against Japan, U.S. president Harry S. Truman said recently: 'The U.S. Navy is now engaged in a series of grim tasks: a battle of attrition with the Japanese air Force in the waters around Japan and Okinawa; a tightening of the blockade of Japan; redeploying its own forces from Europe, and preparing for the climactic operations yet to come.'--Acme photo through OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out) 6814."Portsmouth, Virginia. 21 June 1945