Launching of the aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, New York City, 1945

Photograph. Water fills the dry dock in which the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt was built, as the aircraft carrier was floated for the first time. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/6/45--U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt Launched--Water flows into the drydock in which the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt was built, as the huge aircraft carrier us floated for the first time in New York City. The 45,000-ton ship, one of a class of three of the largest U.S. war ships ever built, will carry more than 80 twin-engined planes of a new type and an undisclosed but large number of anti-aircraft guns, ranging up to five inches (127 mm.) in size. The giant carrier was completed in the record time of 17 months. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, widow of the U.S. president for whom the ship was named, addressed the shipyard workers and U.S. servicemen and women who attended the christening ceremony.--PNT photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6541." New York, New York. 6 June 1945