A large replica of the punch cards that the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts uses to help manage the complex tasks it oversees, Washington, DC on 23 February 1945
493.Photograph. 'File Number: 119486 Feb. 23, 1945 'BUSANDA' marks 150th Anniversary of the Supply Corps on February 23, 1945--- by staying on the job. The activities pictured in this series are but a few of the Bureau's complex and integrated tasks. Accounting for literally billions of varied items and making sure that each ship and shore station has enough of all standard materials is another function of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. To accomplish this, ultra-modern business machines utilizing 'punched cards' have been installed in continental supply activities. A huge replica of such a card shown at the right, is held by Lt. Arthur W. Peterson, SC(S) USNR, Brooklyn, N.Y. [New York], with Commander J. S. McAfee, SC, USN, Valley Mills, Texas, Officer-in-charge of the Methods and Procedures Staff, Stock Division, looking on approvingly. His staff helped perfect the new system.' 23 February 1945