Karl Hugo Burkhardt and Dr. Waldemar Hoven entering Rheinbach Prison, Germany, July 1945
Photograph. Karl Hugo Burkhardt and Dr. Waldemar Hoven being escorted into Rheinbach Prison. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/11/45--Buchenwald Butchers--Seated in the rear seat of a U.S. military policemens'jeep at Reinbach [sic] Prison, Germany, are Karl Hugo Burkhardt (L), former Commander of the notorious Buchenwald concentration camp, and Dr. Waldemar Hoven, described as the 'Butcher of Buchenwald,'who are awaiting trial as war criminals. Thousands of slave prisoners of many nationalities were murdered or died of starvation and disease at Buchenwald.--U.S. Signal Corps photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority--(B List out) 7079."Rheinbach Prison, Germany. 11 July 1945