Jump in the average monthly production of destroyers for the U. S. Navy from 1941 to 1943 in April 1944

U.S. Navy Official photograph, Gift of Charles Ives, from the Collection of The National World War II Museum
443.Photograph. Official U. S. Navy Chart 'File No: 45296 April 23, 1944 Admiral King's Report: Plate VI This illustration of the amazing jump in the average monthly production of destroyers for the U. S. Navy is based on figures announced in the report of Admiral Ernest J. King, USN, Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Navy, to Secretary of Navy Frank Knox. This plate covers the period from 1941 to 1943.' 23 April 1944
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The Charles Ives Collection consists of 719 photographs from the Pacific Theater of WWII. Many of the photographs were taken between 1944 and 1945. Mr. Ives inherited the photographs from a friend from Marblehead, Massachusetts who served as an aviator in the Army Air Corps and discharged as a Major in 1945.
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