Joseph D. Keenan, Director of U.S. Occupation Forces in Germany, 1945
Photograph. Joseph D. Keenan stands in front of a woven wall hanging. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/7/45--Keenan to Direct Manpower in Germany--Joseph D. Keenan, former Vice-Chairman of the U.S. War Production Board, has been appointed to direct the manpower activities of the U.S. occupation forces in Germany. He is credited with working out the Building and Construction Trades agreement and a similar stabilization pact for the shipbuilding industry, which aided in achieving high U.S. production records. He entered the government service from the post of Secretary of the Chicago Federation of Labor, a labor organization in the Midwestern area of the U.S.--PWW photo--Serviced by Rome OWI(A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6609." Location unknown. 07 June 1945