Joint Assault Signal Company soldiers using field radio inside jeep during amphibious training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.

1003. Joint Assault Signal Company soldiers using field radio inside jeep during amphibious training maneuvers. '3-27-44. Von Stroheim. Attached to 1st Bn 323rd Inf is 592nd JASCO, who keeps in contact with planes and transmits the orders of the Bn Commander. This shot shows JASCO team talking to planes in flight. L to R, operating radio is Cpl Bocoozky, looking at aerial map is 2nd Lt H.A. Drew, all of 592nd JASCO. Simulated landing at Morro Bay, California. 168-L-44-1075.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Von Stroheim. Camp San Louis Obispo, California. 27 March 1944