Japanese prisoners of war lining up for roll call, Okinawa, Japan, 1945

Photograph. A single U.S. Army serviceman taking roll of a large group of Japanese prisoners. Official Caption: "Rome. 8/8/45. Japanese prisoners line up for roll call on Okinawa. Japanese soldiers line up for daily roll call being taken by a U.S. Army officer at a Prisoner of War [camp] near Kaden on Okinawa. On June 28, 1945, U.S. Undersecretary of War Robert P. Patterson presented figures to show the steady increase in the number of Japanese prisoners taken by U.S. Forces in the Pacific. He said that earlier in the war, prisoners taken represented one per cent [sic] of the total enemy troops killed or captured. On Okinawa, the percentage of prisoners in the total came to eleven per cent [sic]. In the Philippines, in the third week of June, the take of prisoners rose to almost 14 per cent [sic] of the total. Photo through U.S.I.S. Rome 43126-FA. Approved by appropriate U.S. authority (A and B lists out)."Okinawa, Japan. 8 August 1945