Japanese patrol torpedo boats being bombed by a U.S. Navy plane, Kyūshū Island, Japan, June 1945

Photograph. Aerial photograph of anchored Japanese patrol torpedo boats being bombed by a U.S. Navy plane. Official Caption: "Rome. 6/20/45--Japanese vessels attacked--Moored Japanese patrol torpedo boats are bombed by a U.S. Navy plane on the southern coast of Kyushu, Japanese home island. The boats are about 60 feet (18 M) long, carry two torpedo tubes, machine guns and depth charges. U.S. planes are continually stepping up their attacks on industries, defenses, and shipping of the Japanese homeland.--- Navy photo through OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced by Rome OWI (A List Out) 6807." Near Kyūshū Island, Japan. 20 June 1945