Japanese oil refinery bombed on Honshu Island, Japan, 1945

Photograph. Aerial photograph of the Otake Oil Refinery being bombed by American forces. Official Caption: "(One of a series of two) Rome, 6/28/45--Japanese oil refinery blasted--The Otake Oil Refinery, 27 miles (44km) from Tokuyama on the Japanese home island of Honshu, looked like this to crewmen of U.S. B-29 Superfortresses as they attacked it. The second picture shows the same place 23 minutes after the first B-29 dropped its bombs. All the U.S planes returned safely to their bases in the Marianas.--Army photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority. (List A out) 6909A."Honshu Island, Japan. 28 June 1945