J. Robert Atkinson operating the portable Braille writing machine he invented, Los Angeles, California, 1945
Photograph. J. Robert Atkinson operating the portable Braille writing machine he invented as actress Olivia de Havilland looks on. Rome, 9/21/1945. Blind man in U.S. invents Braille writing machine. Olivia de Havilland (right), U.S. motion picture actress, watches J. Robert Atkinson, Vice-President and General Manager of the Braille Institute of America, operate the portable Braille writing machine he invented. Mr. Atkinson, who is blind, designed five other models before perfecting the present raised-letter writing machine. Its 150 metallic parts are assembled by blind workers in the institute, located in the west coast U.S. city of Los Angeles. The machine weighs only 11 pounds (4.9 KG.). It is sold to the blind at cost price or loaned to them without charge. On Sept. 15, 1945, the Institute launched a drive to raise funds to provide vocational, welfare and recreational training for blinded U.S. veterans. (D List out) Photo thru U.S.I.S.Rome. 43924- UN PWW." Los Angeles, California. 21 September 1945